Conference Co-Chair and Keynote Speaker, Prof. Mohd Rusllim Mohamed, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia

Conference Co-Chair and Keynote Speaker, Prof. Mohd Rusllim Mohamed, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia

Mohd Rusllim Bin Mohamed (2).jpg

Prof. Mohd Rusllim Mohamed, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia

Mohd Rusllim Mohamed was awarded his Ph.D. from UMP (2013), M.Eng. Electrical Eng. from UTHM (2004), B.Eng. Electronic Eng. from the University of Warwick, UK (2001), and a Diploma in Electrical Eng. (Power Systems) from UiTM (1998) respectively. He used to be a fellow researcher at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany (2004) and the University of Southampton, UK in 2008-2010. As an academician, he is now a Professor at the UMP and an active member of the Sustainable Energy & Power Electronics Research (SuPER) Cluster. Dr. Rusllim involves in technical research for energy harvesting and energy storage-specifically redox flow battery (RFB). His other research interests are also in electric vehicles, renewable energy, soft computing, engineering education and TVET. In 2019, he was appointed a visiting Professor at Yildiz Technical University, Turkey and and Universitas Jabal Ghafur, Acheh Indonesia. At University level, he is currently holding a management post asDeputy Vice Chancellor (Student Affairs & Alumni) to oversee student development, student activities as well as fostering lifelong relationship with alumni. He used to served as Director for Technology and Technical Secretariat (TTAS), Malaysia Board of Technologists (MBOT) in 2017-2022, while concurrently holding post as CEO UMP Advanced (2020-2022), and Director, Center for Academic Innovation & Competetiveness UMP (2016-2020). He involves in several initiatives either as a leader or technical committee at the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) Malaysia as well various consultancies and professional's tasks at the national level.