TPC Member: Assoc. Prof. Wenqiang Sun, Northeastern University, China

TPC Member: Assoc. Prof. Wenqiang Sun, Northeastern University, China


Assoc. Prof. Wenqiang Sun, Northeastern University, China


Dr. Wenqiang Sun is an Associate Professor at Northeastern University. He serves as the Deputy Director of the Department of Energy Engineering, Deputy Secretary General of the Energy and Thermal Engineering Branch of the Chinese Society for Metals, Member of the Teaching Committee of the New Energy and Energy Storage Engineering Major of the China Machinery Industry Education Association, Associate Editor of the journal of Applied Energy, Editor of High Temperature Materials and Processes, and Youth Editorial Board Member of the Journal of Iron and Steel Research.

孙文强,工学博士,东北大学副教授。现任东北大学热能工程系副主任,中国金属学会能源与热工分会副秘书长,中中国机械工业教育协会新能源与储能工程专业教学委员会委员,国际权威学术期刊Applied Energy副主编,High Temperature Materials and Processes编辑,《钢铁研究学报》青年编委。