2024 8th International Workshop on Renewable Energy and Development (IWRED 2024)

Speakers of IWRED 2024


Prof. Jinzhong Wang, Harbin Institute of Technology, China


Prof. Jinzhong Wang received his Ph.D. degree at Jilin University in 2002. After graduation, he  worked on wide-band-gap at French CNRS, Portuguese Aveiro University and New Lisbon University, respectively. Since 2009, as an overseas talent, he has worked at School of Materials Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technologuy, furthermore received the New Century Ourstanding Talent title from chinese Ministry of Education in 2010. Currently he has been mainly engaged in the research work of optoelectronic information materials and devices under the support of National Key R&D Program, National 863 Program, National Science and Technology Program, and so on. More than 100 SCI papers had been published, and cited more than 1600 times. His research areas include: (1)New optoelectronic thin film materials and devices, (2)Design, preparation, and performance of high-efficiency solar cell materials, (3)Special optical fibers and devices

Title:coming soom...

Abstract: coming soom...


Prof. Yu Zhang, East China University of Science and Technology, China


Professor Zhang Yu currently serves as a doctoral supervisor at East China University of Science and Technology, focusing on energy and environmental needs. She has been engaged in the field of new energy materials and devices for a long time, with a specific focus on the design of key materials and devices in the field of electrochemical energy storage and conversion (including lithium/sodium ion batteries, supercapacitors, hydrogen production from fully hydrolyzed water, fuel cells, new energy storage and converter components, etc.). In recent years, more than 70 SCI papers have been published by her, including over 30 papers where she is listed as the lead author or corresponding author. Her work has appeared in reputable publications such as Angelwadte Chemie International Editions, Advanced Materials, Advanced Energy Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, Nano Energy ,etc., with more than 4800 citations and an H-index of 33. She also serves as an editorial board member for Polymer magazine and Current Graphene Science; Visiting editor for Batteries ,Frontier in Chemistry and Catalysts magazines.She is also a reviewer for journals like Adventured Energy Materiald European Journal Physical Research .The American Electrochemical Society-Chinese Chemical Society,and Chinese Chemical Society are among the organizations she holds membership.She has won both National Scholarship for Outstanding Overseas Student sand Best Poster Award at International Energy Conference was selected for the 9th batch(2020)of Shanghai Innovation Talent Long Term Project.

Title:coming soom...

Abstract: coming soom...

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Assoc. Prof. Jiashen Teh, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Malaysia(IEEE Senior Member)

Dr. Teh graduated with a PhD in Electrical Engineering from the University of Manchester, UK in 2016, and is currently an Associate Professor at Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). He is also a Technical Director at UPE-Power in Taiwan. He mainly explores the benefits of using flexible transmission power line ratings to enhance grid reliability. To date, he has published more than 60 journal articles published in the SCIE database, with most of them ranked in the top two quarters of the ranking, garnering more than 2900 citations and 31 h-index on Google Scholar. He was the top 2% of the world's most-cited researchers by field in 2019, 2020, and 2021, according to Stanford University. In 2021 and 2022, he received the Outstanding Engineer Award by the IEEE Power & Energy Malaysia and, the IET Malaysia Outstanding Young Professional Award, respectively.

Title: Dynamic Line Rating (DLR) for Enhanced Grid Reliability

Abstract: In this keynote speech, dynamic thermal line rating (DTLR) emerges as a transformative solution in modernizing power grid management. Highlighting its significance in enhancing grid resilience and efficiency, the speaker delves into the principles and applications of DTLR technology. Through real-world case studies and innovative approaches, attendees gain insights into how DTLR dynamically optimizes transmission line capacities based on environmental conditions, mitigating congestion risks and enabling higher utilization rates. Furthermore, the speech explores the integration of DTLR into smart grid frameworks, paving the way for a more adaptive and sustainable energy infrastructure.